Keswicklemon is a blog by artist Michael Holland from Lancashire england. Its an archive of projects artwork music photographs collections and writings. not many people follow me and there are way too many blogs in the world but this one is simply just for me to keep my ideas from disappearing into nothingness.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

32 Ono Unknown Brilliance - Lower Hutt Songs

Brilliant amazing lads from Lower Hutt near Wellington New Zealand. These kids picked up the guitar and started playing some amazing stuff. Lo fi recorded on tape with people riding round on skateboards as they just sing these amazing melodies in maori and english. A very special moment captured to share. 

1 Maungaraki
2 Cuba St 
3 Hutt
4 Korokoro


31 Ono Klaus Haus - To Dois Zwo

Second session at Klaus's house near Motueka the other one was something i was thinking. Fruit salad is 95% of Happiness.... so this time after a good fruit salad and a leafy salad too with flowers in it we all got to work to make some music its a little quiet in places and its got klaus playing his little bali whistle thing in the Klaus Huis Anthem ! Good news, people laughing and no snobbery music just simply for the sake of music. 

The Klaus Huis Anthem


30 Ono Black Toothed Grin - The Worst Of Black Toothed Grin

Completely nuts outsider music compilation of the best moments of the last 4 black toothed grin Cdr's.
to celebrate Jan's 30th birthday and just because people in the pub need to hear this stuff.
Truly their lives will never be the same again after hearing this tongue in cheek terrible music made
by at least one person who has no music skills whatsoever and one who does know how to play his
riffage. The point of the music is social interaction and the whole point of music making, having a jam
and seeing what happens it just so happens that we recorded some of these intense and experimental
sounds. Thankyou to Miles for the drumkit, isaac for the genius production and use of his facilities.
Alice and Andrew for their combined love and positive encouragement in the early days. Lisa Fallon
for her early music making input on the very first release and also for supplying Jan with his useful
digital recording device. Daniel Clough for his work on "Sore Nipples". Theresa and big Jan for all
their passive and smiling support over the years. M@W& for his positive energy and support where
it comes to making music that is a little bit different to the norm. Danny Norbury for his excitement of
hearing there is a new cd out even if it sounds like its been dragged through a hedge backwards and
recorded in a public toilet on vintage cassette tape. we aim for that sound and will continue to push
the boundaries of Cloughfold future noise outsider sludge.

Download Black Toothed Grin Ono Worst Of Black Toothed Grin

Tracklist in a sort of order . . . first first and last last .

01 Dobe Do Dah
02 Cowpe Lowe Denched In Sunlight
03 Heys St Shooting FBI Cover Up (For Mr Lejeski RIP)
04 Mashed Optratoe
05 L'Emigrant De Landor Road
06 This Song Is Dedicated To Leeroy Spanks
07 Le Pont Mirabeau (Unreleased Version)
08 Forget The Dipsaws
09 Russians In Space
Written By – Camera 3
10 D4 F5 (Défense Néerlandaise)
11 She Dolls With Dollies
12 Flourishing Synthetic Verdant Apples
13 Latching On
14 Breastfeeding In Public
15 The Paramount Importance Of Good Dental Care
16 Share Because You Care