Keswicklemon is a blog by artist Michael Holland from Lancashire england. Its an archive of projects artwork music photographs collections and writings. not many people follow me and there are way too many blogs in the world but this one is simply just for me to keep my ideas from disappearing into nothingness.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

18 Ono Astroseismology

Ikey : Asteroseismology
Isaac's second release on ono takes inspiration from the sounds emerge from the heavens. Asteroseismology is the science that studies the internal structure of pulsating stars by the interpretation of their frequency spectra. This cd is looking up into the sky at night but being able to hear the stars as well as see them! Isaac has got some of the sounds he used in these tracks from this site Sounds Of The Universe, he also asked me to link to a couple of other relevant sites that he has found useful in making the music. Ultrabass Sounds of the Giant Star xi Hya and also : Helioseismology. If you like Ikey's music then you can also be his friend on myspace ikeygc

he usually posts new music he's making on there so keep checking back there for pointers as to where he's up to. I'm sure he would also appreciate some feedback and or praise. Isaac is learning a lot every day. I wish i was 17 again !

Here is the tracklist

1. Mark-1 (2:52)
2. Trace (4:13)
3. Virgo (2:11)
4. Bison (2:56)
5. Soi-Mdi (2:29)
6. Hidhn (3:12)
7. Gong (2:58)

Friday, 29 August 2008

List : Top ten albums of the moment

Since i got an email from my Swiss friend Alessio he was kinda prompting me to make a new 'list', so here is my fave Lp's at the moment just for Alessio. Sometimes only one track needs to strike a chord with me to make it a good album but a truly wonderful album needs something much more than that. these records all have that special something for me. Most of them are old , most of them cost me less than £5. Its finds like this that make me go out most days looking for records. Its quite a serious addiction to be perfectly honest. I sometimes see people that i may end up like, in record shops older than me and still on the hunt for that illusive record. this list is starting with a record i listened to three times today just because i can. while i was stamping and wrapping all the forthcoming ono releases.

10* so the first on the list at number 10 is the very interesting FRANCE By Gordon Jenkins. Recorded in 'process 70' this album is an incredible sounding thing considering its age. The sound you get on this record is likened to watching a film, with all the drama of these little 'scenes' you get as you listen. its all about a trip to paris for a group of american tourists. its quite a journey that involves flying, being robbed, dancing with smooth talking french men, going to the Louvre, love, car crashes. All this is accompanied with the glorious soundtrack by Gordon Jenkins (and his orchestra) Favorite track has to be : Danse Avec Moi , this is the track where the lady gets caught in the rain and then becomes prey for a smooth talking french man with an umbrella. its magic waiting to happen.

9* Number 9 on the list is Cul De Sac : Ecim , mice backwards, see > nice record found dead cheap but i only knew about this thanks to Danny from Piccadilly records he played it one time and shared his knowledge. i'm not sure what track he played off it but it sounded out of this world. i was very impressed, he's got a wide ranging taste has that man! this record is well worth picking up but you dont see it often. Pick of the album has to be the John Fahey Song : 'The Portland Cement Factory at Monolith, California'. its a screeching train wreck of a song. download it if you can find it somewhere...

8* number 8 is Chris Corsano : The Young Cricketer. another record indirectly linked to Danny@Piccadilly, i saw Chris Corsano play as a member of sunburned hand of the man at the bowls club a while ago and my friend monika bought the CD version of 'The Young Cricketer' we listened to it on the car on the way home and i thought it was painful but some things take time to sink in. the thing about young cricketer is its all done without any editing and no overdubbing or anything like that so its basically an undiluted listen to chris corsano making music at home when he was living in manchester using all the things he could get his hands on. Recorded in Manchester England Feb 1-3, 06 (Except for side a track 2 recorded January sixth. Using drums, cymbals, baritone & alto saxophone mouthpeices with plastic tube and/or funnel, and/or shower attachment apparatus, pot lids, lamp base, scotch tape, violin-string-snare-drum contraption, bows, sticks, butter knives, and a superball on a stick, some distortion used on side B when mixing tracks 7 and especially 8, but other than that, no electronics either. No track choice cos its more of a journey and inspiration as a whole album.
7* Next on the list is Antena : "Camino Del Sol" reissued last year this still a brilliant album initially i really loved camino del sol the title track but i have since been drawn towards 'To Climb the Cliff' , so much so that i dj'd it on wednesday, i originally got this album as a cdr off my friend john, he was buzzing about it so he wanted me to hear it too. i absolutely loved having the cdr and when i got the Lp i just carried on listening to it. sometimes when you actually have the record itself i find i have already listened to it too much on my ipod but this is long term quality. its summer music definitely. i wish it was summer now.

6* Next one has got to be No One Cares By Frank Sinatra just because of the number of times i have listened to it recently. This Lp is the best I've heard from Sinatra, also arranged By Gordon Jenkins i already wrote about this ages ago so i'll not go on again. standout track is 'I Dont Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You'. Tip of the century. Gloomy rain music for singletons with too much time on their hands. This is dedicated to my future girlfriend whoever she may be, i'm sure i dont stand a ghost of a chance with her lets hope she likes me anyway just the way i am.
5* Number five on the list today is Martin Rev LP on Lust Unlust Music. if only for a few tracks that just shine. Mari, Recommended listening from Matt Wand and Jomo , My favourite track. i wish all electro music sounded this raw, this loud. on top of that it was a total find for me, super cheap 1979 original. i was very happy to find this. I just need some more Suicide now.
4* number 4 is another Sinatra album this time alongside Count Basie and arranged by the "ON FIRE" Quincy Jones! after watching that documentary on Quincy Jones's life i really needed to track down the sinatra LPs that he had a part in. as you can imagine this is pretty swinging. its such quality just imagine the kind of kit they must have used to record it with. The VERY BEST , thats what . the best players the smoothest most naughty voice of the 20th century. Those mafia connections just make sinatra a little bit more interesting. With "Q" and sinatra and basie all together doing a studio album magic was bound to happen and this is rich with upbeat immensely powerful songs. my choice on this one has got to be the upbeat monster 'I Believe In You' for instant uplift when you've just finished listening to 'No One Cares'. Absolutely Swingin party music. i want this at my wedding, take note dj friends. plus its got "Frank & Splank" on the cover. Bonus.

3*Number 3, the magic number goes to Arthur Russell. This LPx3 cost me a whole lot of cash and its probably only got about one Lp's worth of music that justifies the price tag but its a nice item and the tracks on the Orange coloured LP "Instrumental's Volume 1&2 make it the special album that deserves to be at no 3 on the list! dont want to say too much because so many people must gas about Arthur Russell but these tracks are mostly his Cello Compositions and they sound like music i'd want to hear in heaven. Pick of the Bunch is Instrumentals 2 track 1, previously released on Les Disques Du Crepuscule in 1984. Joyful sounds that will live forever absolutely timeless.
2*its late but i'm almost there so i'll carry on... number 2 on the list has to be special hasn't it so for number two i will pick Flying Lizards first LP on Virgin. Its another all good album but the best track for me is 'Her Story' produced buy the man who produced This Heat. David Cunningham. The late seventies and early Eighties would just not have been the same without this man's input. Not that i was even born when he was doing his best stuff... oh well its ok to like old stuff and this is excellent. All the Flying Lizards records are worth checking out.

1* The top spot is saved for the lady that sang from her soul. Nina Simone : At Newport. Its nice and ive still not found live at Carnegie Hall so this will have to do for now. if anyone sees it for less than 20 quid on Colpix then please get it for me i'll pay you back. since i'm flagging now cos i wrote way too much on some of the others. i suppose there is no real need to talk about nina because i know relatively little. pick of the album is 'Flo Me La' special mention to Bobby Hamilton on Drums, Al Shackman on Guitar and Chris White on Bass. They are the ones that make this one stand out a bit more to me than more common Nina Simone albums. Flo Me La Means "To Walk" or "Walking Along" its got real power... the whole album is a winner but that track is a booming driving powerhouse.

That completely wraps it up, i'm going to bed. I really hope that Alessio appreciates that effort. lets hope he comes up with some good lists as a response. come on Alessio (or anyone else for that matter. do me a list or even just scan an old list for me to check out! shopping lists are fine too. zzzzzz

Thursday, 28 August 2008

List : Ideal Girlfriend

Since it was my birthday on monday i needed to go out and celebrate so thanks to start running i had a chance to show off some of my works that have become sleeves to my cd's (see previous posts!) and also play records with Matt Wand. Back to the job in hand anyway. Thanks to my friend the friendly and supportive Black Lodge i ended up going out on the town for an extended birthday celebration. I'm glad about this as my first birthday celebration was a bit tame , going to the pub for my tea is not high on my list of 'things to do for my birthday'. which would make a good list ... will get back to that list girlfriend would say.

Thankyou mr black lodge you firstly saved me from the vagabonds of manchester and dragged my records all the way to my home for the night and secondly made my birthday into an extra bit of an event. and so i come round to posting what i really want to post on my birthday, dedicated to the sender of the card my uncle Richard, a list of the top ten things my ideal

top ten things the ideal girlfriend would say - my reply would be YES!

10. "morning gorgeous, would you like a kiss."
09. "i'm bored with listening to folk music now , shall we listen to some Yoko Ono records"
08. "would you like to go for a bike ride"
07. "i have a day off work tomorrow, i was thinking of making a picnic, would you like to come to the country?"
06. "Have you got a hangover darling? would you like some herbs and potions to help your delicate head"
05. "would you like some help stamping and preparing all those interesting cds that you make?"
04. "can i lick your nose?"
03. "would you like me to come and dj with you sometime i'm really getting into all that 80's No wave stuff youve been playing recently and i'd like to play some lydia lunch with you.
02. "can i come over and read my book while you play records and potter around"
01. "i shaved my legs yesterday would you like to come and stroke them"

it was actually pretty hard doing that list and i'm not sure if i missed a few very important things out , alice and i ended up searching for the ideal girlfriend info and we actually did a really horrid questionnaire.

thanks mr black lodge for helping me have a pretty good birthday.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Artist Cristina Bueno

I met this very interesting young lady at a party in london @ Tate Moss that i was playing records at. it was a very interesting night and i took this picture of this special girl before i actually knew who she was her name is Cristina Bueno.

i really wanted to just write a bit about her on here because she's one of the most interesting people i know her work is very beautiful and her illustrations are simple but very individual and striking. she has done a lot of books recently private presses of her own ideas and each of these beautiful books is a work of art in itself. if you get the chance to buy one of them then you wont regret it. her simple words are to the point and the ideas in the books are incredibly complex. Miss Bueno speaks her mind in various languages !

i have made a book for her myself which i must send to her. cristina has been very busy in the past few years , developing her artistic practice into many meaningful and diverse projects. please get in touch with her and have a look at her website here bespectacledwords information about her new project 'BABY BOOK ADOPTION DAY' is below

Myspace bespectacledwords

YCN Bespectacled Words Baby Book Adoption Project

Cristina and I spent a good many hours together and i really miss her , she lives in london, living the dream and being a proper artist i will send her a beautiful package on monday morning!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Licktronica 24th Jul 2004
New venue....the flyer indicates the moving of luggage after not really doing too well with Kro 2 it was time for a change . i played at this night

Andy Odia and Ste Sequence's Massive Smogasboard and i'd never been in common before. i was a bit impressed. ended up meeting a few people and passing out (in a street round the back of common) thanks to Rob Holloway's generous beer buying! i was really into the venue and i saw Tim Hamblin playing stuff that night. he does mixes under the Inserted name check them out. Soon after meeting Tim for the first time and shouting at him saying how good i thought his tunes sounded, i went outside and passed out in the street round the back of common. when i woke up the whole event was over and my girlfriend at the time was seriously worried about me. Duvel is not the best beer to drink if you want to stay compusmentus.

i got on it and convinced common that we were worth giving a trial so we moved to common and lick continued the journey from there...

brilliant night the first lick at common . Baz from New Religion played all the tunes. i remember stuff like shake on frictional and lots and lots of tracks i didnt know at the time. futuresonic weekend as well...a very good party !

Licktronica 24th Nov 2003

i remember this one quite well... Martyn Mooken Lester came over from leeds but had to get a train back early ish leaving only me and Johnny Abstract playing records together (as duncan couldn't make it) i'd just discovered Hunting out with an Arial Eye By Muslimgauze and i was flipping out listening to it (its from 1984)Johnny played me some ace bits when everyone went home stuff like Dopplereffekt Infophysix which i promptly went out and bought the next day from vinyl exchange!

like i said before you always learn something even if its empty . me and johnny had an ace time and i think i finished the night on my own playing to an empty bar absolutely no one there.

nice evening, memorable for good reasons.

Licktronica 27th Oct 2003

Otb Rogue Dj Unit is Conor and His mate who now does a night called Faktion. Conor worked at pelikanneck at the time and i used to go in and see him all the time to get the new tracks out that week... or whatever happened to be out. i seem to remember conor's friend (who's name escapes me) playing Quadrant : Hyperism and some stuff on AI records a claro intelecto track. it all got a bit too banging generally and conor kept on nipping outside to have a smoke so his mixing was a bit wonky . i think he likes it like that.

a good night all round really. the faktion boys played some ace tracks i remember a lot of stuff i wasn't aware of yet. i always found that doing my own events and asking people to come down to play i got a lot of inspiration and knowledge from these guys playing these interesting records.

Licktronica 29th Sep 2003

i'm pretty sure i have video footage of this one somewhere . i will upload it to you tube if i find it ! Duncan played some absolutely ace stuff at this one i remember that Absolut Brihka 12" and UR : Journey Of The Dragons. i seem to remember it got a bit rowdy and we annoyed the people in Kro2 a little bit when people started cheering cos johnny was doing really wicked mixes and playing proper good music ! all on a House/techno vibe. no idea what he actually played but i will search for the video evidence.

Licktronica 25th Aug 2003

i asked miles to come and dj at this one as it was my birthday and i fancied making a bit of an event out of it! So miles came down and along with him loads of the friendly locals johnny, duncan, conor, bez, dave etc... miles played a few things i remember stuff like Rhythm and Sound : King in My Empire, Moritz : Domina CCMix, The JAN edit of Larry Heard, cant remember much more than that but it was a brilliant birthday. its a long time ago now and i wish i could remember more of what happened but hey three records is a pretty good start. no idea what i played that night.

nice flyer . see the progression !

Licktronica 28th July 2003

i did a night in manchester for a long while with my mate rob and i fancied making an archive of all the flyers and some info about each one before i forget it all completely. The first one i ever did was nice i think me and rob bailey dj'd for the first bit of it and Duncan who works in vinyl exchange in manchester played some brilliant tracks too.

not totally sure what we all played but rob always played some CCO stuff and i was liking Apparat and some stuff clone in amsterdam were putting out at that time Dexter ZWAM The Other People Place : Sorrow and a Cup of Joe. also Ascii Disko : Schanze, Pepe Bradock : 4 came out around that time. Metro : Brownstone Express and Alexander Robotnik : Dance Boy Dance, i also really liked Mouse On Mars : Cache Coeur Naif EP.

if you know any of these tunes then you will get the general idea of how we started up playing nice electronic music that we thought would work well in bars. i'm not really sure who played at this 'Lick' because we had very minimal flyers... the flyers get better as rob got more confident with working his designs into the limitations of 'marc the printers' we got all our flyers done there. .

Monday, 4 August 2008

List : Top Ten

it appears many people find comfort in the creation of lists i found an article in the independent about an artist who collects lists here is a scan of that article.

Here is a link to her blog todolistblog
i was also searching to find info on the newish 'suicide live boxset' that came out a few weeks ago... it seems that everything is very much linked together because i found yet more lists by accident. The top ten scientists who committed suicide and a whole site dedicated to lists

i feel another top ten list coming on; this time the top ten list of lists!
10 : Top 10 Incredible recordings (for Matt W)
9 : Top 10 Film editing sequences (for Hannah H)
8 : Top 20 Worst Tattoos (for Lisa and Jan)
7 : Top 10 Bizzare illnesses (i cant really wish this one on anyone)
6 : Top 10 Composers you probably know (for Danny)
5 : Top 10 Bizzare Screen Kisses (for Hannah B)
4 : Top 10 Films you haven't seen but should (for my mum and dad)
3 : Top 10 Hitchcock Films (for Steven)
2 : Top 10 Manipulated Photographs (for my dad)
1 : Top 8 Artworks found accidentally (for Alice C)

List : Miranda July

Without really being aware of it i absolutely love making lists i think i would have done a list of favorite Sinatra albums in the last post but i didnt have enough knowledge to make a comprehensive list! So following on from the Paraphilia list am making a project out of lists starting with today's list that came out of my little trip to Shropshire this weekend. My friend Hannah Black lent me a book called 'No One Belongs Here More Than You'. NoOneBelongsHereMoreThanYou

Miranda July is the lady who directed You And Me And Everyone We Know i think she's brilliant, her work is all about being real and positive even if you are not one of those people who finds their live is happening correctly. I often feel like my life is a bit of a struggle and i dont feel particularly lucky most of the time well maybe i am lucky. the point is, like a lot of people i really relate to her characters. i guess things always happen for a reason and Hannah Black was meant to give me that book to read.

here is my first official list

I wrote abit on the back for her a bit of an explanation, i'm feeling really positive and useful at the moment really enjoying not having a job to go too and being skint is quite nice. I got the chance to go Woofing (working on an organic farm) this weekend it was incredible. sue and mike really made it a brilliant trip for me letting me camp in their lovely garden. Sylvia asked me to go and laughed her way through the entire weekend and Hannah was as embarrassed as any teenager would be of her outgoing and talkative mother. i need more trips like that to keep me inspired. i guess i was very lucky this time. Clun was the best summer holiday i have had in years and years! here's the note on the back of the list; my undiluted thoughts at the time of starting the list, i was actually writing in the rain sat in a tent listening to frank sinatra!

we all went to the clun carnival on saturday morning sue even won some prizes for her vegtables and i got up earlier than i have for a long time to walk dogs before breakfast. Sues amazing cooking kept me energized enough to go for a couple of miles walk before i needed any fuel!

I'm really glad Hannah lent me the book; it sometimes takes one thing to trigger a whole series of realizations and one thing leads to another and before you know it you have a whole series of ideas sprouting. Sylvia Black said "Sharing and giving is a woman thing". oh and here is a pretty cool people interview with Miranda July Link


ive been listening to a lot of frank Sinatra recently i wanted to write a bit about it on here as i think that frank ... Along with a great arranger is a stunning combination. initially i got semi interested in tracking down the 'No One Cares' LP after reading an interesting article about it in a section of a french music mag . cant find the original article now but anyway the magazine section is called 'cover story'.

so, the crack with Sinatra is basically he's done a load of ok albums but only about 5 are really ace. you find 'come fly with me', 'songs for swingin lovers' and the other assorted UP Sinatra records pretty often. The really great LPs are the gloomy rainy ones. 'No one cares' from is my starting point and has some absolutely stunning tracks on it, my favorite being 'Stormy Weather' i always had a soft spot for Mr Sinatra and since watching a documentary on Quincy Jones a few weeks ago i have been hunting down all the albums produced by 'Q' i found 'It Might As Well Be Swing' the other day , thats Sinatra and Basie and Quincy, Sinatra "At the Sands" is a live album with Quincy arranging it and Basie on the piano it has lots of conversational interludes and some jokes by Sinatra just showing how much of a great showman he must have been in his finest years...

The Best two albums in my humble opinion are along side Sinatra's genius (i dont use this word often) arranger Gordon Jenkins. Gordon Jenkins is responsible for 'No One Cares' and also 'Where Are You?'. i have a couple of albums with Nelson Riddle Accompanying Sinatra and although they are gloomy they are not as perfect and lonely as the Gordon Jenkins albums. 'Autumn Leaves'From Where Are You?

Next on my list to track down is the concept album from 1979 with Gordon Jenkins doing the business on the third vinyl 'Future' it looks like its going to be on the same end of the world tip as the other Jenkins albums. I really enjoy listening to this stuff in the rain sat alone in a tent.