Keswicklemon is a blog by artist Michael Holland from Lancashire england. Its an archive of projects artwork music photographs collections and writings. not many people follow me and there are way too many blogs in the world but this one is simply just for me to keep my ideas from disappearing into nothingness.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Licktronica 24th Nov 2003

i remember this one quite well... Martyn Mooken Lester came over from leeds but had to get a train back early ish leaving only me and Johnny Abstract playing records together (as duncan couldn't make it) i'd just discovered Hunting out with an Arial Eye By Muslimgauze and i was flipping out listening to it (its from 1984)Johnny played me some ace bits when everyone went home stuff like Dopplereffekt Infophysix which i promptly went out and bought the next day from vinyl exchange!

like i said before you always learn something even if its empty . me and johnny had an ace time and i think i finished the night on my own playing to an empty bar absolutely no one there.

nice evening, memorable for good reasons.

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